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Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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khansenctl(5) pic

Is technology helpful for teaching?

Technology has developed quickly in the last twenty years, offering numerous options to instructors today that were not available before, but the question raised is whether or not that is positive. Is technology actually helpful in supporting pedagogical aims and generating innovative new ways to teach or is it merely a distraction or frustration that requires additional time and money without any real pedagogical benefit?


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1
1 point

Technology offers ways of merging disparate forms of communication into single entities, such as video + music + sound which can open new teaching avenues. It also allows communication over distances that was not possible or affordable, allowing instructors to open horizons of interaction with people external to the classroom. Its ability to facilitate discussion with students who might not previously have had a chance to speak in class also provides new chances to engage with students.

Side: yes
1 point

Technology is problematic because it takes more time to put together. Students are distracted by it and are more likely to be using their laptop to check Facebook than to take notes. They need to develop skills such as concentration and note taking which can be hindered by the use of technology. There are no pedagogical benefits to using technology although it can be flashy and eye-catching; it is merely bowing to students' bad habits instead of forcing them to develop good ones.

Side: No